Mar del Plata is located 404 km from the city of Buenos Aires on the Atlantic Ocean

Population: 650.000
Surface: 1453km
Coast: 47km
Climate: Temperate with maritime influence
Average annual maximum: 19ºC
Average maximum in summer: 26ºC
Average maximum in winter: 13ºC
Access to Mar del Plata from Buenos Aires:
Highway 2: 404 km.
Route 11: 602 km.
Route 226: 441 km.
Travel time:
By car: 4 hours (Highway 2)
By bus: 5 hours
By rail: 5.30 a.m.
By plane: 45 minute flight

The international airport Astor Piazzolla It is located just 10 minutes from the city center.

Three airlines operate different national destinations with more than forty weekly flights that increase during the summer season.

Around four trains arrive per day to the city. The trip from Buenos Aires lasts five hours.

The modern and safe Highway 2 connect Buenos Aires with sea of silver in four hours (404 km). Three routes (11-88-226) also link Mar del Plata with the city of Buenos Aires and the rest of the country.

More than fifty bus companies connect the city with the rest of the country. The trip from Buenos Aires lasts approximately five hours.